Rafting Neretva Konjic


Rafting and Hostel in one Price

Aunique way to spend a day out in the Neretva canyon, in a complete environment of nature and simply experienced rafting on the Neretva. It is necessary to make a reservation in advance, and you can visit your favorite drinks. In the canyon you will have a break for relaxation, sunbathing and recreation. Downhill rafting is safe for all generations. You can bring a bathing suit, shorts, a t-shirt and slippers.

) Preparing clothing! 
Rafting trips can start at either 10, 11, or 12 o-clock, it is your choice!
) We transport you to the start point!
) We provided you with the appropriate equipment: suits,helmets,waterproof jackets!
) Rafting down with an experienced skipper!
) You’ll feel unforgettable adrenaline on the rapids!
) You'll pass under a waterfall and drink water directly from a natural spring!
) Jump from cliffs to deep water, swim in rapids and relaxing!
) The trip is fun and safe for all ages!
) Rafting trip ends in Konjic town!

  • Rafting price is 50 € per person
  • The price includes Equipment,Rafting,Food and accommodation.
  • +38761529212 viber,whatsApp



About raftingoneretva

Author Description here.. Experience for 20 years. Rafting white water. Professional skypper. Canyoning, kayaking, mountaineering, hiking.

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